Available Memberships

CBHA membership plans can include the following benefits:

  • All memberships include a one-year complimentary subscription to Canada's History magazine.  Discover Canadian history as you’ve never seen it before. Each issue of Canada’s History is a treasure of Canadian stories waiting to be discovered — a mix of engaging features, columns, reviews and commentary plus historic photos, maps and illustrations. Canada's History is published six times a year.
  • Full access to the members only section of the website, including community area and private content
  • Bursaries, awards, and grants to members who:
    • conduct research into topics of business history
    • attend and/or present at relevant conferences and symposiums
    • are looking for conference sponsorship or panel subsidy
    • organize activities which promote Canadian business history
  • Access to Conference, Seminar, and Symposium materials, including visuals and speaker contacts
  • Inclusion and access to membership list, including a complete personal member profile page (name, picture, professional designation, research interests, publications, associated memberships, etc.)
  • Inclusion of corporate logos, identity, and links on the CBHA/ACHA website
  • Receipt of periodic newsletter
  • Discounts on leading journals and books in the field
  • Assistance and advice on corporate archival record management policies and setup
  • Job board for available positions in research and business
  • Priority invitations and membership discount pricing for all conferences, seminars, and symposiums
  • Access to member's research publications with discount pricing, and ability to list your research publications for other members